Food shouldn't be hard
Hey, I'm Caitlin; a Non-Diet, Disordered Eating Coach! I'm here to help you trigger proof your food choices from all of the outside BULLSHIT. Setting fire to BS beliefs destroying your body's trust, so eating CAN BE as easy as breathing (as it should be).
This Space is for you IF...
You want to make memories, not self-destructive trauma
You want to stop categorizing food as bad & good, Toxic & clean, healthy & unhealthy
You want food to be food, not warfare against your health
You want to stop fearing criticism from others about the food on your plate
You want to set boundaries with family that disrupt your peace around food and your body
you have had your food decisions questioned so much, that you no longer know how to trust your body
I am far from your "typical" Disordered Eating Recovery Coach. If you are looking for someone to tell you it's "ok" to wait and challenge foods, ideas, and behaviors until you're ready ... meandering you around for months on end ...
However, if you are looking for someone that is blunt, honest, raw, and unfiltered. A space where I don't pull punches. Diving deep into the nitty-gritty BS keeping you from living your most full, fueled confident life.
Then this space .... IS IT!​​​​
I am for you IF...
You want to be able to join in & confidently eat the food YOU WANT TO
You want to be able to advocate for your bodies needs WITHOUT second guessing it
You want too see food as a fun, fueling experience not something to dread
You want everyone else's diet culture BS to roll off your back without phasing you for a second!
You want to measure your life off of more than a freaking scale
You want to be able to trust your body and listen to the signals it sends you, with ZERO guilt and second guessing
Here is what we do →
End the judgement on your food choices.
​We do this by figuring out what triggers the hell out of you (fears, rules, comments, etc), so we know what we really need to focus on setting fire to.
Set fire to all the diet culture & wellness culture BS you have been fed for YEARS.
​This means all those fears, rules, restrictions... anything that makes you want to "fix it" or "gain control" we have to set fire to, so something doesn't come back and bite you in the butt later on! So YES ALL OF IT MUST GO!
Then the fun part... we tackle this shit together! Breaking those rules, restrictions, & regulations.
This means opposite actions with your food, movement, mindset, etc. So you can actually rebuild trust in your body! It is true you can trust your body, but not while it's prioritizing Diet Culture Rules 👎
Setting boundaries!
You have just revamped and set fire to all the things holding you back from a full, fueled, confident life. We don't want anyone to wreck that! Meaning Trigger Proofing yourself from any diet or wellness bullshit that gets spread via family, friends, trainers, strangers. We make so you can own your shit and never look back!
Create & BUILD this full, fueled confident life with your needs at the fore front
So you can continue to stay connected to your body. Advocating for its needs, so others don't bulldoze over them!